Kamis, 14 April 2011

There's Blueberry Inside Of Me....

I love baking. I don't always love eating it though. Just like this cupcake -at first! Just an ordinary cupcake.....until I had a bite of the sweet-sour-and-fresh blueberry jam inside of it -aaaah....heaven!!! Haha...*lebay!
But honestly though. My Dad, Mr. Mul, he's not much a cake person, but when we travel to Central Java by car, I made this cupcake and he just wanted more and more! Haha... oh, and my Mom, Mrs.TutyMul, she always ask me to make this for Qur'an Reading w/ her group @ our home or for other family occasions.

The original recipe is from www.ncc-indonesia.com "Cinnamon Cake" by Fatmah Bahalwan.

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